The 68th Annual Meeting of The Korean Physiological Society will take place in Chosun University,
Gwang-ju, November 2nd – 4th, 2016. The venue is HaeOrem-Hall (해오름관), Chosun University.
The meeting will feature world-renowned plenary speakers and a diverse set of symposia, with a particular focus
on topics within Neurophysiology of behavioral disorder, Central regulation of metabolism,
Calcium signal, Muscle and heart, Optogenetics for Physiology, Pacemaker mechanisms in GI motility.
The meeting will also include Young Physiologists’ Day (11/2) for providing more chances of oral
presentation and scientific communication between Senior students and Post-Docs.
The social program includes a welcome reception (11/2) and official dinner (11/3) in the students’ hall nearby the venue place.
Prizes will also be awarded at the meeting:
Yudang Award (유당학술상)
Young Physiologist Award (신진생리학자상)
Best KJPP Paper Award (KJPP 우수논문상)
Best Poster Awards (우수포스터상)
A prize for the most frequent citations on the papers in Korean J Physiol Pharmacol (KJPP) will be announced.